Wednesday, February 19, 2014


For this documentary I chose to capture what I have experienced and suffered through the most at catholic. The many ailments to studying. The process and the mental struggle is almost the same for every student. It begins with the realization of an impending exam. You gather your things set up and begin. However you seen realize the material is hard and confusing. You soon become miserable and bored and hate the fact your study, this calls for food and caffeine to get you through. But exhaustion is inevitable. But you need to get back at it. After a few minutes you just want to escape to outside with your friends but the time is almost near you will together everything to stay focused, stay awake, and learn what you haven't yet. In the end a reward is always necessary.

930pm 2/18

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

930pm 2/11

Snowboarding Olympics 

930pm 2/10

Cleaning out a closet

Rules of composition

New rule of threes

New use of framing





Rule of thirds

Leading lines



Avoid mergers

Room for logical movement

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

930pm 2/5

Study lockdown

Headless portrait

This picture I dug up and edited of my brother. It is very fitting that he be compared to a teddy bear. Edited with photo studio blurred and vignettes

I chose this picture because I wanted to see if the scene could do enough as a portrait. I felt as though a picture playing in the woods climbing trees says more about me than a headshot. Edited photo studio vintage

A picture of another brother leaning over a wall. Edited with vignettes

My brother again this time in an else tart school drinking in the fountain. Edited with iPhone app chrome

My roommate loves her collection of books. Edited photo studio burnt paper